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Can I Continue to Give Molasses to My Marijuana Plants When Flushing

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When you hear the word 'molasses' what comes to mind? Perhaps you think of warm gingerbread cookies fresh from the oven! Or maybe you envision a pot of cooked beans ready to add to your next hot dog! Did you know, however, that you can use molasses to help grow cannabis plants? Right now, you may be curious as to how, when, and why this is so. Well, I have the answer…

Molasses is generally mixed with water and used as a fertilizer to improve the health and growth rate of cannabis plants. It's often added to the soil at the beginning to encourage seed germination and then sprayed onto the leaves as they grow for an immediate nutrient boost. You can feed molasses water to your pot plants at any stage of growth, but it's most beneficial during the flowering phase.

Now that you know how and when to use molasses on pot plants, let's explore further and in more detail why it is important. We'll discuss the benefits of molasses in terms of plant growth and potency. We'll also explain which type of molasses to use, whether or not molasses adds weight to the bud, if too much molasses can kill cannabis leaves and when to stop using molasses on pot plants?

So, if you're ready to learn more about molasses in terms of cannabis plant growth and production, then let's get started!

What is Molasses?

Molasses is a dark, thick, and sweet liquid obtained by beating grapes, sugar beets, or sugar cane into sugar. Rich in vitamin B6 and minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and selenium, this by-product food source is commonly used as a sweetener in baking.

Molasses has many health benefits and is often used to treat chronic conditions such as acne, diabetes, obesity, stress, and even cancer. It can be added to animal feed as a nutrient source or to plant soil in lieu of fertilizer.

When and How Often Should You Use Molasses on Pot Plants?

For best results, it's recommended that you use molasses on your pot plants once every other week. Simply combine molasses and water in a spray bottle and mist your plants – or pour the molasses/water mixture directly onto the soil.

You can also make your own molasses fertilizer. All you need to do is add 1 to 3 tablespoons (15 – 45 ml) of molasses to 1 gallon (34.5 L) of organic fertilizer and voila! This is a great way to feed your pot plants and keep them pest-free. Best of all, it's cost-effective and non-toxic!

This Molasses product on Amazon is an excellent option for your weed plants.

Crop King Seeds (COM) Auto Feminized Marijuana Seed Mix 250x250

What are the Benefits of Using Molasses on Pot Plants?

Molasses is an economical and natural way to fertilize and feed pot plants. Not only does it improve the health of the plant, but it also increases the growth rate. As well, it helps produce big, juicy buds with a high potency in less time.

Using molasses on pot plants provides the soil with beneficial microorganisms which promote higher water retention. It also helps prevent the growth of pathogens that can damage the plant while at the same time reducing the amount of salt build-up in the soil. Best of all, it's a natural insecticide.

How Do You Use Molasses During Flowering?

The most effective way to use molasses on cannabis plants at the beginning of the flowering stage is sparingly. Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of molasses to 1 gallon (3.5 L) of water and pour directly onto the soil. Do this once every three weeks to start.

Then, as the flowering stage progresses, you can increase both the dosage and frequency. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of molasses (30-45 ml) to 1 gallon of water and pour the mixture onto the soil as well as spray the leaves. This can be done once every two weeks until you're ready to harvest.

How Do You Apply Molasses to Pot Plants?

As mentioned above, all you need to do is mix molasses and water and add it to the soil of your pot plants. Do this by spraying the mixture onto the compost pile or use the drip system. As your plants mature, you can spritz the leaves with the mixture as well for an immediate nutrient boost.

Does Molasses Add Weight to Cannabis Buds?

Molasses increases the amount of sugar in a pot plant which helps it to bloom (or bud) faster. Fertilizing your cannabis plant with molasses will 'pack on the weight' and produce big, juicy buds. Think of it in terms of a human being eating a lot of junk food and inevitably getting fatter!

Does Molasses Make Cannabis Buds Taste Sweeter?

The molasses itself is never actually absorbed by the cannabis plant. Rather, it acts as a booster to improve nutrient levels in the soil and speed the growth process. Therefore, it's safe to assume that the buds themselves won't taste any sweeter as a result.

Can Too Much Molasses Kill a Pot Plant?

Too much molasses can negatively affect the health of your pot plant. Over-feeding a cannabis seedling with a sugar-rich source can hinder (or even halt) its natural progression from the vegetative phase to the flowering phase.

Instead, use molasses sparingly to start and slowly increase the amount and duration as the plant moves from one growth stage to the next. Be sure to mix it with the right amount of water (refer to How Do You Use Molasses During Flowering for more information above) and stop using prior to harvesting.

When Do You Stop Using Molasses on Pot Plants?

It is recommended that you stop using molasses with water on cannabis plants anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks before harvesting. This will allow the plant enough time to 'dry out' or wilt just a little. The idea is to trick the plant into thinking it's dying so it manufactures more resin which increases THC production.

What Kind of Molasses Should You Use on Pot Plants?

Organic blackstrap molasses is often considered one of the best choices for use on pot plants. It's readily available through online retailers as well as in most local grocery and/or gardening stores. Best of all, it's economical and easy to use.

As well, be sure to look for 'unsulphured' molasses since the idea is to 'feed' the microbes in the soil. Microbes are responsible for regulating nutrient and nitrogen levels and necessary for optimal plant growth. Sulphur dioxide – which is found in 'sulphured' molasses – will kill off the essential microbes.

A great product to try is Plantation Organic Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses . Available online through Amazon, this molasses is thick and dark. It contains the highest concentration of vitamins, micro, and macro elements and is rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and selenium. Check it out today!

How Do You Use Dry Molasses on Pot Plants?

Apart from using liquid molasses and water on cannabis plants, you can opt instead for dry molasses. Despite what the name states, dry molasses isn't actually dry. It's made with organic grain bits that have been dipped in molasses.

Dry molasses makes a great soil fertilizer for pot plants and can be mixed directly into the soil. Simply add 500g to a soil bed measuring anywhere from 4.5 to 6m squared. A good one to try is VitaStrap! Dry Powdered Unsulphured Water Soluble Blackstrap Molasses which is available online through Amazon.


To conclude, molasses is often used to fertilize and feed pot plants. It's usually mixed with water and added to the soil at the start to encourage seed germination and then sprayed directly onto the leaves as they grow for an added nutrient boost. While it's okay to feed molasses water to your cannabis plants at any stage of growth, it's most beneficial during the flowering phase.

Hopefully, this article has been of help to you. Thanks for reading and good luck with your future hydroponic endeavours!

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