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How Long Do Babies Born at 31 Weeks Stay in the Nicu

Estimating neonatal length of stay for babies born very preterm


  1. East Seaton1,
  2. Lisa Barker2,
  3. Elizabeth S Draper1,
  4. Keith R Abrams1,
  5. Modi3,
  6. N Manktelowane
  7. on behalf of the U.k. Neonatal Collaborative
    1. 1 Department of Health Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
    2. 2 Neonatal Unit of measurement, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester, Britain
    3. 3 Neonatal Data Analysis Unit, Department of Neonatal Medicine, Section of Medicine, Imperial Higher London, London, Great britain
    1. Correspondence to Dr Sarah East Seaton, Department of Health Sciences, Academy of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK; sarah.seaton{at}


    Objective To predict length of stay in neonatal care for all admissions of very preterm singleton babies.

    Setting All neonatal units in England.

    Patients Singleton babies born at 24–31 weeks gestational age from 2011 to 2014. Data were extracted from the National Neonatal Research Database.

    Methods Competing risks methods were used to investigate the competing outcomes of death in neonatal care or belch from the neonatal unit. The occurrence of one consequence prevents the other from occurring. This approach tin can be used to estimate the percentage of babies live, or who have been discharged, over time.

    Results A full of twenty 571 very preterm babies were included. In the competing risks model, gestational age was adjusted for as a fourth dimension-varying covariate, assuasive the difference betwixt weeks of gestational historic period to vary over time. The predicted percentage of expiry or discharge from the neonatal unit were estimated and presented graphically by week of gestational age. From these percentages, estimates of length of stay are provided equally the number of days following nascency and corrected gestational age at belch.

    Conclusions These results can exist used in the counselling of parents near length of stay and the adventure of mortality.

    • neonatal
    • neonatal intensive care
    • length of stay

    This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC By 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, suit and build upon this work, for commercial utilize, provided the original piece of work is properly cited. See:

    Statistics from

    • neonatal
    • neonatal intensive care
    • length of stay

    What is already known on this topic?

    • Limited research has investigated length of stay in very preterm babies admitted for neonatal care.

    • Parents are often told that their babe will be discharged home 'around their due appointment' but it is unclear whether reality reflects this estimate.

    What this report adds?

    • This study considers the run a risk of mortality and the length of stay of very preterm babies simultaneously, to present the full pic of neonatal care.

    • For babies born at 24 and 25 weeks, length of stay should be considered alongside their adventure of mortality.

    • For babies born at 30 and 31 weeks, their median length of stay is a calendar month less than the time remaining to their estimate date of delivery, indicating this anecdotal estimate of 'home by their due engagement' may be unhelpful in this group.


    The ability to predict length of stay in neonatal care has become increasingly important equally improvements in survival1 ii have led to more very preterm babies requiring long lengths of hospitalisation. Estimates of length of stay are necessary to facilitate conversations between parents and clinicians about a baby'southward anticipated length of stay.

    Previous research has often focused on investigating length of stay for babies who survive to discharge from neonatal intendance.3–five Inclusion of babies who die while in neonatal care can brand length of stay interpretation circuitous.six Other medical areas have recommended consideration of mortality and length of stay simultaneously as it can 'reflect the reality or interrelation between the outcomes'.7 The exclusion of babies who die in neonatal care has been identified as a limitation of length-of-stay research in neonatal care.8 ix

    Currently estimates of length of stay for babies anticipated to survive are given as either 'your babe volition get home around the time they were due to be born' or 'when they are able to feed and keep themselves warm'. Nonetheless, these statements are non evidence based and it is unclear if they are really true. Irrespective of this, whatever results should be considered alongside the adventure of mortality. Parents often written report feeling anxious almost whether they are set up to take their babies habitation, and data to support conversations about when this may happen may help alleviate some feet.10

    Statistical methods recently introduced to neonatal research11 allow the simultaneous interpretation of fourth dimension to belch or death. This paper aims to provide clinically useful estimates of length of stay and the risk of mortality to assistance clinicians in consultation with parents.


    Data were obtained from the National Neonatal Enquiry Database (NNRD), a population-based data source of information on admissions to neonatal care in England, created from data submitted by trusts to a commercial electronic patient record system.12

    Inclusion and exclusion criteria

    Data were extracted on all singleton babies born at 24 to 31 weeks gestational historic period and admitted to neonatal units in England on the first twenty-four hour period after commitment and discharged from 2011 to 2014. Babies born prior to 24 weeks gestational age were non included every bit their intendance is likely to relate to local policies, and there is a lack of consistency in approach to their direction across the country.thirteen

    Babies were excluded if they were discharged home before 34 weeks postmenstrual age as it is not until this point that most babies learn the power to fully suck feed and maintain temperature stability.14 Babies that stayed in the neonatal unit longer than half dozen months were too excluded. Exclusions were fabricated for babies with unusual patterns of care including being discharged home having only received intensive care15 or being discharged having never received special care. These exclusions may be data errors or may represent a very different grouping of babies, including those receiving palliative care. Finally, babies were excluded if their terminal belch was to some other specialist service, for instance, cardiac or surgical unit of measurement.

    Daily data were available from the NNRD for babies throughout their time in neonatal care although babies could be transferred from neonatal care for other specialist care which does non provide data to the NNRD (eg, some surgical units) and then subsequently be transferred back into neonatal intendance. Days of care were imputed for these unobserved days.

    Deaths in neonatal intendance and discharge home from neonatal care were considered every bit ii competing events, that is, the occurrence of one event means the other cannot occur.

    Statistical analysis

    A flexible parametric competing risks model16–xviii was fitted in order to estimate the percent of babies who were discharged or died in the neonatal unit over time.19 20 From this, estimates can be made of the percentage of deaths or discharges upwards to specific points in time. Completed weeks of gestational historic period at birth was included in the model as this is known to be important for both the prediction of mortality21 and length of stay.6 To allow for differences in the risk of bloodshed or discharge between the weeks of gestational age over time, time-dependent effects were included.22 Further methodological details for competing risks approaches, including their application in the estimation of neonatal length of stay, can be found elsewhere.eleven 20

    The percentage of babies, by gestational historic period, dying or surviving to discharge from neonatal care was estimated over time and displayed graphically. Estimates of median length of stay can be derived from the point at which half of the events have occurred for babies who survived to discharge and for those who died in neonatal care.


    There were 21 631 singleton babies born at 24–31 weeks gestational age discharged from neonatal care from 2011 to 2014. Babies were excluded if they were discharged domicile before 34 weeks postmenstrual age (northward=205, 0.9%) or if they stayed in the neonatal unit of measurement longer than half dozen months (n=199, 0.ix%). Exclusions were fabricated for unusual patterns of care divers as being discharged from neonatal care having only received intensive care (due north=57, 0.3%) or discharged having never received special intendance (n=132, 0.6%). Babies were excluded if their final belch was to another clinical location: another (specialist) hospital not reporting to the NNRD (northward=293), surgical units (n=141), cardiac care (n=24) or an unknown location (north=9). A total of 20 571 (95%) babies remained in the analysis.

    Summary characteristics of the included babies are provided in table ane. Over i meg days of care were provided to this population of very preterm babies. Of the 20 571 babies in the analysis, 8.6% died during their time in neonatal care. Effectually 24% of babies were born at 31 weeks gestational age (tabular array 1).

    Tabular array 1

    Summary statistics of the singleton babies who were admitted for neonatal care at birth from 24 to 31 weeks from 2011 to 2014

    Gestational age analysis

    The estimated percentages, from the flexible parametric competing risks model, are presented in graphical course as stacked plots (figure one). The black area represents the percentage of babies who died in neonatal care, the dark grayness area represents those discharged and the light gray area indicates the pct who remain in the neonatal unit, over time. For instance, for babies born at 24 weeks, the percentage of babies who had died past 30 days after birth (black area) was approximately thirty% and no babies had been discharged (dark greyness area). The balance of the babies remained in neonatal care (figure 1).

    The median length of stay for babies was estimated by outcome of the infant and week of gestational age (table 2). The median length of stay is besides presented equally corrected gestational age at discharge. Babies born at 24 weeks who survived to belch had a median length of stay of 123 days. This is slightly longer than the time remaining until their estimated date of delivery (discharge at 41.6 weeks corrected age). As week of gestational historic period increased the time to discharge decreased, and babies were discharged in advance of their due date. Babies born at 26–28 weeks had a median length of stay slightly shorter than the time remaining to their due date. All the same, babies born at 30 and 31 weeks were discharged home sooner, with a median length of stay around 30 days less than their due appointment.

    Table 2

    Median length of stay and median corrected age at discharge with range (25th, 75th centile) by issue

    Babies dying while in neonatal care had a median length of stay of effectually ≤x days, indicating that half of deaths occur in the start 10 days later birth.


    This research has provided estimates of median length of stay while also considering mortality for singleton babies born very preterm. These estimates tin be used in clinical practise to aid the counselling of parents about length of stay. For example, for a baby born at 26 weeks gestational age effectually half of deaths accept occurred in the starting time ten days (tabular array ii). At around ten days of life, and using their clinical judgement, a clinician could explain to a parent that the risk of mortality has reduced, but that their baby could be in hospital for a long time. The gauge of median length of stay for a baby of these characteristics is 92 days (82 days by twenty-four hours 10) but nosotros would propose that clinicians use a more than general description, for case, 'around two and a half months' or in terms of their due date: 'around a week earlier their due date', to reflect that there is uncertainty in this estimate. Future qualitative research should focus on the issues of how to communicate the chance of bloodshed and length of stay to parents.

    Anecdotally, parents are frequently told their babe volition become home 'around their due date' and this research demonstrates that this may not be the case. Babies born at 24 and 25 weeks of gestational historic period who survive to discharge have the longest median length of stay, staying around 123 and 107 days, respectively. For these babies, maxim they may exist discharged 'around their due date' is close to their median length of stay. Notwithstanding, for babies born at thirty and 31 weeks gestational age, their median length of stay is around a month shorter than the fourth dimension remaining to their estimated due date. Therefore, this phrase should be used with circumspection as information technology seems that this may not accurately reflect length of stay for many very preterm babies.

    Parents have reported that information about likely belch dates improved their understanding of their baby's progress and prepared them for discharge.23 However, this information should be given at an appropriate time, in an appropriate way and supplemented with clinical judgement. Around half of the deaths occur in the first ten days of life, and clinicians should consider this when counselling around length of stay. The estimates provided in this work are intended to complement and facilitate clinician knowledge, rather than replace it.

    Strengths and limitations

    This analysis was adjusted for gestational age alone. While other factors may be important for the estimation of length of stay,6 it is helpful if statistical models are simple, informative and like shooting fish in a barrel to use inside a clinical setting. In attempts to predict neonatal bloodshed, adventure scores have been created which have afterwards needed to be simplified because they were likewise 'cumbersome to employ' in do.24 25

    This study is one of the largest studies to investigate the prediction of length of stay in neonatal care. A force of this work is that these results have been produced on a national basis, without biases arising from differences betwixt networks of hospitals or individual neonatal units due to local belch practices within units or networks. All neonatal units in England contributed their data to this written report allowing consideration of the total care received past each baby, fifty-fifty across multiple units and transfers, without loss to follow-up. All the same, as the results are population based we did not consider that units may accept private approaches to length of stay and discharge planning. We did not investigate individual units as modest numbers of babies, especially at the primeval weeks of gestational age, at specific units would brand interpretation of their length of stay imprecise. For the same reasons we were unable to investigate specific subgroups of babies, such equally those who require surgery, but future work should consider this area.

    Babies discharged to receive care in other services were excluded from this work. These babies will potentially have a length of stay longer than that seen in the data reported to the NNRD. However, these babies represented a small number of discharges from neonatal intendance (due north=467).

    There has been limited work investigating neonatal length of stay in the UK, but some other modest study investigating length of stay in four neonatal units in the Southwest of England institute similar results to this work (the 'Railroad train-to-Dwelling' package), with babies born from 27 to 33 weeks existence discharged iii–4 weeks in advance of their estimated engagement of delivery.26 Estimates of length of stay from The Neonatal Survey from 2005 to 2007, a study of neonatal intensive care in the E Midlands and Yorkshire, also found like results to those presented in this work.5 This allows the potential for clinicians to offer more accurate information to parents than just telling them that their baby will go dwelling 'around their due appointment'.

    Future work

    Estimates of total length of stay can exist useful for parental counselling, and they are likewise helpful in clinician discussions nearly a babe. Notwithstanding, they practice non provide the unabridged picture of neonatal care. While in neonatal care a baby will demand varying levels of care15 and this can be incorporated into length-of-stay estimates. Estimates incorporating information about levels of intendance may be more informative for service planning and the commissioning of care. We are investigating this in farther detail and initial results have been published elsewhere.27 Hereafter piece of work should likewise investigate differences in length of stay between dissimilar regions and different subgroups of babies, for example, babies discharged abode on oxygen.

    Singleton babies born very preterm have been investigated in this work every bit it is unlikely to be possible to predict length of stay for singleton and multiple babies simultaneously.9 The singleton, very preterm population is somewhat homogenous in terms of their prematurity which is likely to be the most important determining factor of their length of stay.six Babies built-in after 32 weeks gestational age may demand an analysis stratified past their clinical status, although this may still exist problematic equally even babies with like clinical weather condition accept been seen to have varying lengths of stay within a single unit.28

    There is no evidence to suggest on the optimum length of stay in a neonatal unit before discharge, nor evidence that a brusque length of stay should be a desirable aim.9 Following an early belch home, babies may require admission to paediatric care within a brusk menstruation of time, whereas keeping them in the neonatal unit of measurement a niggling longer may have minimised this risk. Future research should link neonatal intendance with other outcomes, including subsequent access to paediatric care, to investigate the benefits and harms of early on versus late belch from neonatal care.


    The estimation of length of stay in neonatal care should too consider the risk of mortality, peculiarly for the very preterm. In this work, appropriate statistical methods have been used to provide estimates of length of stay which can be used by clinicians to assistance the timing, and content, of discussions with parents.


    The authors thank all the neonatal units that allowed their information to be used in this work. The authors also thank the Pb Clinicians of the UK Neonatal Collaborative: Dr Matthew Babirecki, Dr Liza Harry, Dr Oliver Rackham, Dr Tim Wickham, Dr Sanaa Hamdan, Dr Aashish German democratic republic Matthew Babirecki, Dr Liza Harry, Dr Oliver Rackham, Dr Tim Wickham, Dr Sanaa Hamdan, Dr Aashish Gupta, Dr Ruth Wigfield, Dr L M Wong, Dr Anita Mittal, Dr Julie Nycyk, Dr Phil Simmons, Dr Vishna Rasiah, Dr Sunita Seal, Dr Ahmed Hassan, Dr Karin Schwarz, Dr Marker Thomas, Dr Ainyne Foo, Dr Aravind Shastri, Dr Graham Whincup, Dr Stephen Brearey, Dr John Chang, Dr Khairy Gad, Dr Abdul Hasib, Dr Mehdi Garbash, Dr Nicci Maxwell, Dr David Gibson, Dr Pauline Adiotomre, Dr Jamal S Ahmed, Dr Abby Deketelaere, Dr Ramnik Mathur, Dr K Abdul Khader, Dr Ruth Shephard, Dr Abdus Mallik, Dr Belal Abuzgia, Dr Mukta Jain, Dr Simon Pirie, Dr Stanley Zengeya, Dr Timothy Watts, Dr C Jampala, Dr Cath Seagrave, Dr Michele Cruwys, Dr Hilary Dixon, Dr Narendra Aladangady, Dr Hassan Gaili, Dr Matthew James, Dr M Lal, Dr Ambadkar, Dr Patti Rao, Dr Khalid Mannan, Dr Ann Hickey, Dr Dhaval Dave, Dr Nader Elgharably, Dr Meera Lama, Dr Lawrence Miall, Dr Jonathan Cusack, Dr Venkatesh Kairamkonda, Dr Jayachandran, Dr Kollipara, Dr J Kefas, Dr Bill Yoxall, Dr Jennifer Birch, Dr Gail Whitehead, Dr Bashir Jan Muhammad, Dr Aung Soe, Dr I Misra, Dr Tilly Pillay, Dr Imdad Ali, Dr Mark Dyke, Dr Michael Selter, Dr Nagesh Panasa, Dr Lesley Alsford, Dr Alan Fenton, Dr Subodh Gupta, Dr Richard Nicholl, Dr Steven Wardle, Dr Tim McBride, Dr Naveen Shettihalli, Dr Eleri Adams, Dr Seif Babiker, Dr Margaret Crawford, Dr Minesh Khashu, Dr Caitlin Toh, Dr M Hall, Dr P Amess, Dr Elizabeth Sleight, Dr Charlotte Groves, Dr Sunit Godambe, Dr Dennis Bosman, Dr Barbara Piel, Dr Banjoko, Dr North Kumar, Dr A Manzoor, Dr Wilson Lopez, Dr Angela D'Amore, Dr Shameel Mattara, Dr Christos Zipitis, Dr Peter De Halpert, Dr Paul Settle, Dr Paul Munyard, Dr Gitika Joshi, Dr David Bartle, Dr D Schapira, Dr Joanne Fedee, Dr Natasha Maddock, Dr Richa Gupta, Dr Deshpande, Dr Charles Godden, Dr Stephen Jones, Dr Mahadevan, Dr Nick Dark-brown, Dr Kirsten Mack, Dr Rob Bolton, Dr A Khan, Dr Paul Mannix, Dr Charlotte Huddy, Dr Salim Yasin, Dr Sian Butterworth, Dr Ngozi Edi-Osagie, Dr Bala Thyagarajan, Dr Peter Reynolds, Dr Nick Brennan, Dr Carrie Heal, Dr Sanjay Salgia, Dr Majd Abu-Harb, Dr Jacqeline Birch, Dr Chris Knight, Dr Simon Clark, Dr Five Van Sommen, Dr Nandiran Ratnavel, Dr Mala Raman, Dr Hamudi Kisat, Dr Sara Watkin, Dr Kate Blake, Dr Jauro Kuna, Dr Alison Moore, Dr Hari Kumar, Dr Gopi Vemuri, Dr Chris Rawlingson, Dr Delyth Webb, Dr Bird, Dr Sankara Narayanan, Dr Jason Gane, Dr Elizabeth Eyre, Dr Ian Evans, Dr Rekha Sanghavi, Dr Caroline Sullivan, Dr Laweh Amegavie, Dr Wynne Leith, Dr Vimal Vasu, Dr Andrew Gallagher, Dr Katia Vamvakiti, Dr Megan Eaton and Dr Guy Millman.

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