Hey Jude Easy Beginner Piano Sheet Music
In this post we'll use our eyes and ears to compare two different versions of Hey Jude piano sheet music:
- An easy version.
- A hard version.
(I have included links to both at the end)
So read on… and listen on… and hopefully this post helps you pick one to learn. It really is a nice song to play on piano.
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Intro
Okay, so there's no real intro to Hey Jude. The Beatles kinda just get right into the song. So it's no surprise that both versions of the sheet music do that too.
First, take a look at the opening 4 bars of the easy version (and be sure to push the play button to hear what they sound like too):
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Intro – Easy Version
As you can see, it's fairly straightforward – The melody is played with the right hand, the chord accompaniment is played with the left hand.
This version includes the chord names for each chord change. I like that. And it also includes the lyrics so that you can sing along (if you don't already know the lyrics).
Now let's take a look at the opening bars of the hard version:
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Intro – Hard Version
The first thing you'll probably notice in this sheet music is that there's much more going on. This arrangement gives Hey Jude a real mellow, jazzy sound. And I have to admit, I really like it.
Now, let's move on to the next section.
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Na Na Na Na Section
I gotta hurry up and finish this post… One of my old university friends is on his way to visit me. I'm looking forward to it because we don't see each other very often, now that we have kids.
My wife is even cooking potato bake for lunch! We never go to that kind of effort for lunch!
Anyway, back to Hey Jude.
Here's the easy version of the section which I like to call the na na na na section. Actually, the sheet music below says it's da da da da. Which threw me off when I first wrote this post.
But I did some research, and now I can say, without a doubt, that I'm pretty sure it's na na na na.
Again it's chords in the left hand with the melody in the right hand:
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Na Na Na Na – Easy Version
And here's what the hard sheet music looks like for that same section:
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Na Na Na Na – Hard Version
Gotta love those chords. Especially the rolled chord at the end. Doesn't it sound great?
Anyway, to finish this post off, we'll take a quick look at both endings:
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Ending
First, the easy version:
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Ending – Easy Version
Then the hard version:
Hey Jude Piano Sheet Music – Ending – Hard Version
I hope you enjoyed this post and got some value from it. And I hope the audio snippets help you decide on a version to learn yourself…
Here are the links to both versions:
Hey Jude – easy sheet music
Hey Jude – hard sheet music
Note: These are both affiliate links. This means that sheetmusicplus will give me a tiny bit of money if you decide to purchase. It's kinda like them giving me a gift because I introduced you to their sheet music.
I hope that makes sense.
So a big thank you if you do decide to purchase one (or both) of those versions.
And if you'd like to hear more from me, I encourage you to sign up for the Piano Perfecting email newsletter. I try to make sure each one helps with some aspect of playing piano. So feel free to sign up.
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Now, it's time for me to go eat some potato bake. For lunch. And maybe even enjoy a nice cool glass of beer.
Source: https://pianoperfecting.com/hey-jude-piano-sheet-music/
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